To my dearest...

it took me a while to remember but i realize how liking someone based on their looks is shallow
and i hope saying that didn't make you think i like you superficially
or like, not seriously??
bc, tbf, you single-handedly made me bi
which is really something, i think
i was thinking of how to word the things i said last night better
and like

i do like your looks
i like how you let your hair grow (well you cut it now but i'm sure it looks great)
i like how you dress
you looked so casually cool in a jacket that one time (was it dnd or the xmas party i can't remember)
you looked
in that long skirt
or dress thing
that one time

i do like your voice
i like how it calms me
how it sounds like everything is alright
and everything could be alright
and i also like how it frightens me
scares me
sternly asks me to check myself
what i do wrong, what i think wrong
and urges me to be a better person
not with malice or any sense of superiority
but with a firm belief that i could be better than how i am currently
(at least, i hope so lol)

i like when you talk
about the things you like
and the things you know a lot about
even if i probably can't remember them exactly (sorry)
i like that you have this deep understanding on those topics
like you can really get into it and derive real meaning from magical girls or short stories
the kind of meaning that like
something like that

i like when you're you
you're very
a very interesting person
i'd like to know a lot more about you
how you are
would like to be

i'm sorry if this is getting cheesy
but i'm glad you're a rat
bc it's gonna get a bit more
i don't think i should have said "like"
bc it might be a bit more accurate
if every "i like"
was "i love"

Appears my letters might be written over spans of time, i have an idea for that hehehe. I'd like to get this one out of the way for now, but I'll def think of a way to present this better (and i know i don't have to but i wannaaaaaa).

To start, i love your letter. I think the aesthetic of lovers separated by work or war or some other unfortunate circumstance, whose only form of intimacy is the semi-annual or quarterly letter sent by like, a pigeon or smth, is interesting. Interesting in a way that it presents a situation that love thrives regardless of physical distance. Also i really do feel like i'm at war.

My week has been, not the best. It's difficult exam after difficult exam, and this will likely go on until next week so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I do find solace whenever i read/reread/remember your letter, honestly. It's like i have a picture of you tucked away in a locket. Thanks for that hehe.

Ahh, just when i think i've gotten used to how you make me feel, you so casually go ahead and make my heart flutter for days again. At this point I don't know why i'm surprised. You're so very precious to me, I hope you know that. Ah, and you have such a way with words. Maybe my image of you that influences my perception but, anyway, that's part of it too. There's an elegance and comfort in the way you wrote the letter that makes me feel so close to you (heh).

I have indeed been listening to your Close To You cover. Obviously, i'm biased, but i do believe your singing is great. It's certainly not as bad as you make it out to be. With practice and time, i think your voice would ring the loveliest of melodies.

Oh yeah, i started reading This is How We Win the Time War and i'm at like the first parts where they're communicating with letterssss. wowie. cute. i'm liking the premise and the setting so far, though not many plot points between Red and Blue have come up at the point where I've read, still mainly exposition yes. Ooh, I also find it kinda difficult to wrap my head around but i'm liking it a lot so far.

My darling, my dearest, my light, my lovely little mouse, i love you.

From your little cringefail,